As a crypto enthusiast and follower of Telegram’s journey, I’m thrilled to share that Pavel Durov, the visionary behind our beloved platform, has broken his silence following his recent arrest in France. This is the first time we’ve heard from him since the incident, and it’s always refreshing to hear directly from the source
As a researcher, I found myself taken aback by my recent arrest, given that Telegram, the platform I oversee, boasts a legal representative within the European Union, whose role includes managing regulatory inquiries
Durov mentioned that the French authorities possessed multiple methods to reach him without involving law enforcement agencies. Given his regular visits to the French Consulate in Dubai as a French citizen, the arrest left him somewhat perplexed
Additionally, he noted his previous assistance to French authorities in establishing a hotline using Telegram to tackle terrorism issues, a fact that adds an element of surprise to the current circumstances
According to Durov, Telegram is deeply dedicated to safeguarding the privacy of its users and preserving freedom of expression. He emphasized that these values form the bedrock of the platform, and that Telegram is prepared to withdraw from markets when governments ask for concessions that infringe upon these principles
We’re willing to withdraw from markets that don’t align with our values, as our goal isn’t financial gain. Instead, we strive to promote goodness and safeguard fundamental human rights, especially in areas where those rights are frequently disregarded
He referred to past occurrences, such as the time when Russia prohibited Telegram after it refused to share decryption details, and a comparable incident in Iran where the platform was banned due to its failure to block protest-related channels
Even though there are challenges, Durov emphasized that Telegram is willing to collaborate with regulators to strike a suitable balance. However, if consensus on user privacy cannot be achieved, Telegram is prepared to exit markets that insist on compromises in this area
Occasionally, there might be instances where our views on striking an appropriate equilibrium between privacy and security differ from a nation’s regulatory bodies. In such situations, we are prepared to withdraw our operations from that particular country. We have indeed taken this step multiple times in the past
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2024-09-06 01:59