Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream | Opinion

This text appears to be discussing different types of gamers in the context of web3 gaming and how each type contributes to the ecosystem. The text introduces three main gamer personas: The Angelist, The Explorer, and The Speculator.

As a crypto investor, I can relate to the evolving nature of labels and categories. In the world of video gaming, being labeled as a ‘gamer’ is not so simple. It’s not just about the teenage boy playing competitive multiplayer games or the casual player enjoying an indie title on their commute. The gaming landscape has broadened significantly since Richard Bartle’s initial taxonomy in 1996. Each of us has our unique gaming experiences and preferences, making it essential to remember that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all definition for a ‘gamer’.

Several efforts have been initiated to group web3 gamers using the same classifications as traditional gamers, such as Naavik’s “9 Types of Blockchain Gamers” from 2021. However, the web3 gaming community is smaller than anticipated, and that’s acceptable. Now is the time to shift our focus and comprehend the current audience’s characteristics to simplify onboarding mainstream gamers and establish long-term sustainable game economies.

So, let me introduce you to our core group of web3 gamers.

The Grinder

Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream | Opinion

The Grinder is eager to witness an increase in numbers and will put in considerable effort towards achieving that goal. Picture that dedicated friend from Runescape or the indispensable companion during World of Warcraft raids who worked tirelessly to help you succeed.

The unwavering devotion of this player is indispensable for the vitality of the game. Despite their strongly held beliefs against spending money, they actively explore and teach others effective strategies through game mechanics. Their significant investment of time fosters a robust player community within the game environment.

The Grinder shows the path, and other players follow.

The Optimizer

Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream | Opinion

As a researcher studying player behaviors in gaming, I’ve come across an intriguing role I refer to as The Optimizer. This player is positioned between The Grinder and The Speculator. Rather than dedicating endless hours to grind for maximum output or making significant investments to reap potential profits, this individual focuses on maximizing the efficiency of their time.

instead of the Grinder’s approach, which involves investing little but expecting greater returns through card optimization for increased winnings in games, these web3 gamers are content with spending a modest amount. They contribute significantly to the thriving game economies by engaging in games in a manner similar to mainstream gamers.

The Evangelist

Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream | Opinion

An ardent gamer is deeply invested in web3 technology. The Passionate Advocate is firmly committed to the prosperity of web3 gaming and goes the extra mile to promote it enthusiastically. If a friend has persistently urged you to join numerous Discord communities or team up with them in a recent web3 game launch, you’ve encountered an Advocate.

This profile boasts numerous admirable qualities. The Evangelist is known for spearheading community initiatives and providing unwavering assistance to the development team in the realm of mainstream gaming. Serving as a link between established gaming communities and the burgeoning web3 sector, no other individual excels in this role as effectively as the Evangelist does.

The Explorer

Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream | Opinion

As a crypto investor with a natural curiosity, I’m drawn to explore new opportunities in the digital world, much like someone who tries out a trending game on Instagram just because it piques my interest. Being well-versed in the digital landscape, I’m keenly aware of the buzz surrounding blockchain technology and web3 gaming. My desire is fueled by the urge to gain a deeper understanding of what makes these innovations so exciting and transformative.

A less experienced web3 gamer, or an “Explorer,” brings valuable new viewpoints and concepts to the world of web3 gaming. The Explorer is a crucial figure in this field, as their ability to navigate onboarding processes and remain engaged in a game is often indicative of how the average consumer will fare. If an Explorer struggles to complete a game’s onboarding or leaves soon after starting, it’s unlikely that most people will have better results. Conversely, attracting and retaining more Explorers can lead to a larger influx of interested newcomers to web3 gaming.

The Speculator

Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream | Opinion

An individual referred to as The Speculator is actively engaged in the web3 realm with the primary objective of generating financial profits. This person keeps an eye out for budding web3 ventures that hold immense promise, enabling them to reap the benefits through their initial investment. Their strategy lies in acquiring in-game assets and currencies at their earliest availability.

Critics of blockchain technology in gaming may dismiss individuals like “The Speculator” as insignificant or even detrimental members of the community. However, it’s important to note that having a player base composed solely of Speculators is not viable in the long run. Nevertheless, Speculators play a crucial role in the ecosystem by investing in gaming projects during their early stages. In essence, they finance the development of these games and generate buzz around high-potential titles through their financial support. Although they will eventually cash out their earnings, there exists a niche within web3 gaming for Speculators to thrive.


As a researcher studying the evolution of web3 gaming, I can say that the progress in this field hasn’t followed the exact trajectory some commentators predicted in 2021. However, this isn’t unexpected as creating high-quality games and designing robust economies is a complex process that takes time. With new insights emerging about the motivations and behaviors of web3 gamers, we now have a more accurate understanding of this burgeoning community.

Gaming can be about more than just ‘fun.’ Even BAFTA has a “Game Beyond Entertainment” award category, prioritizing factors outside of sheer gameplay enjoyment and technical quality. So why is there a level of snobbery when it comes to web3 gaming bringing more motivation to play? Is there even a difference between motivation and enjoyment? Who are we to tell people that what they find fun isn’t actually fun? 

To attract a larger audience from the mainstream world to web3 gaming, it’s important to foster a diverse community of player types. By doing so, we can build an inclusive and thriving environment where everyone feels welcomed and engaged.

Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream | Opinion

Canaan Linder

Since 2018, Canaan Linder, a trailblazer in blockchain gaming, has led Stardust as its CEO. With an engineer’s mindset, Canaan established Stardust with the goal to help game developers thrive in the web3 realm. Some of the most prominent web3-based games, including Midnight Society and Tilting Point (a mobile publisher from web2), have joined forces with Stardust. Under Canaan’s guidance, Stardust continues to reshape the gaming industry by combining creativity and technology, enabling game developers to explore new territories in the continually evolving landscape of web3 gaming.

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2024-07-10 04:54